Sunday, 14 April 2013

Install Window With USB

How to Install Window with usb?
How to make a Bootable Usb?
How to Install Window without CD/DVD Room?

BootAble USB
BootAble USB
There are many method to make a bootable usb, For example Software and command etc different software are use to make a bootable usb. but in the follownig method no Software are required for making a boot able usb. Some time You have no CD/DVD Room than you want to install window with Usb. Now today I told you that how to make a bootable Usb/Flash Drive.


  • Window 7 or window 8 already install in your Computer
  • You have a Flash drive/Usb (Minimum 4 GB)
  • CD/DVD of window 7
  • Your computer must be already bootable supported when pc start
  • You have administrator right to prepare the usb drive
Method of making USB:

Now Start your Comport prompt (CMD) and follow under Steps
  1. Open CMD
  2. Write Command diskpart and press enter now you pc ask yes or no to open diskpart window, click on yes
  3. When new window is open than type an other command list disk
  4. All the disk are show on your screen, For Example if your usb is 4GB than size show in your screen 3970 or near about this size. So you select your usb with command select disk 1
  5. Small message show below your command Disk 1 selected
  6. Next command is clean
  7. And than press Creat Partion Primary
  8. Message Disk part succeeded in creating the specified partition 
  9. Than format your USB/ Flash drive with command format fs=fat32 quick in this command fs mean file system
  10. Now in the last and most important command is active and all the work is done. In the last exit your command prompt
After this your usb is make bootable. Put you window CD/DVD in your pc and copy window file and past your window file in USB/ flash drive.
If you have any question write in below comments i will try to resolve your problem as soon as possible.

online Learning, operating Software


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